You chose... Genie grants your mom wish 1

 Jamie looks around and sees nothing starting to feel a little weird and so does Hariot. Jamie walks over to her daughter's door and asks her to open it calmly. She does so and they begin to talk. "Hey, mom. Do you feel a little weird?" "Yeah, do you?" "Oh my God mom!" Jamie then proceeds to wet herself unknowingly. "Why do my pants feel wierd?" "Mom, you just peed on yourself." "No I didn't. I'm a big girl. Why would I do tha..." Jamie then clutches her stomach and takes a crap in her panties, which are now being turned into a diaper. "Uh-oh. I made a mess in my diape. Why am I talking like I'm thwee? That doesn't sownd wight. I'm uhh this many." She holds up her hands as she begins to shrink down and become more childlike. "Mom what's going oooonnn?" She moans as she just had her first orgasm and became a little bit older. "That (pant) was aaaammmmaazing!" She orgasmed again and continued to while trying to talk. "Mooomm, as gooooood as thiiiissss feeeeeelllss. I'm scaaaared. OH MY GOOOOOOOOODDDDD!" Hariot then drops to the ground while her legs shake. What she doesn't realize is that she's having the number of orgasms that her mom had before Hariot was born and becoming her mom's age that she was before her birth as well, while her mom was becoming younger and Hariot's child. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! I..I'm gonna...I'm GONNA CUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM"

After Hariot cums 5 more times and becomes 26 (Jamie had Hariot at 26), Jamie finally becomes a 7 month old child. As Jamie wails, Hariot notices she has two wet spots coming from her breasts. "What the hell?! Am I lactating?" Jamie then points at Hariot's breasts and throws her hands up. "Oh this is so many levels of wrong. Mom, I guess you're hungry huh? Come here" Hariot then picks up her infantile mother and allows her to breast feed. For whatever reason this feels amazing to Hariot as she closes her eyes.

When she opened them her mother was gone. "MOM! Where'd you go?" As she looks around she then feel another orgasm coming. "Shit! Anotherrrr oooonnneee?!" She moans extremely loud as this is the orgasm that her mother had when she was impregnated. After Hariot collapses to the ground, she cums so hard she just rolls over to the floor and pants for a while. "Damn! That was one hell of an orgasm! But, now I feel weird again." Her stomach then expands until she is 8 months pregnant with Jamie. "OH MY GOD! I'm pregnant with my own mother!"


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